When I was a kid, I loved stationary. My favorite was a gift from my Aunt Jan, a deep pink paper decorated with white polka dots. I used it often as I wrote letters to her when she lived in Boston, or to my grandma when she was away visiting her siblings in Pennsylvania.
Forty-five years later, I have a desk drawer filled with stationary, in addition to “Thank You” cards, and invites. I still hand-pen letters and ‘Thank You’ cards (and have my children do the same), but for everyday invites, I turn to technology. It’s quick, affordable, and efficient for my needs.
I like to create something a bit more personal and memorable than a text or a group email. That’s why online ‘invitations’ are a staple in my life. They go hand-in-hand with so many of our family celebrations and even our casual get-togethers. Whether it is dinner with friends, birthdays at the beach, or even ‘major’ events, like graduations, these digital invites are ideal for my budget and allow me to send beautiful invites when I have a tight time frame.
There are many digital invite platforms out there to choose from. Lately I had the opportunity to start creating with Paperless Post. (I was gifted coins to give it a try!) In the past I had received invites via Paperless Post, but have rarely used it. Last week I started fiddling about with invitations for events that are on the near horizon – an elementary school graduation, a birthday and a house party – and I found the process to be quite fun!
Paperless Post was filled with options, helping me reimagine my invitations with customizable options that ensured my invite would be unique.
How Does it Work?

Paperless Post has a collection of beautiful designs for free, but with the purchase of ‘coins’ you can take your design to a new level. (Coins are the currency they use to price the premium design options.)
In addition to premium card designs, Paperless Post also has premium add-ons, including envelopes, liners, stamps, postmarks, logos, and backdrops, all of which require coins. As you go through the customization flow, the cost of your card per recipient appears at the top right corner of the page. In the end, the total cost of an online card depends on which premium content you use and the number of email addresses you are sending your card to. It can range from 0 to 13+ coins per guest, depending on the selections you make.
Elevating the Experience
Paperless Post has partnered with several world-famous designers and lifestyle brands, including Kate Spade New York, Oscar de la Renta, Jonathan Adler, and Rifle Paper Co. Using Paperless Post designs are truly a way to elevate the occasion.
Ours are mostly cocktail party or dinner invites, and Paperless Post has proved to be a great way to set the mood for our gathering. Typically as I plan for our parties, my focus is on creating the experience for the party – choosing the right beverages and food for the occasion. I am finding that it is just as important to the planning process to pay attention to the invitation. Not only does it catch the attention of those who are invited, but it also proves to be an easy way to manage the guest list. With the RSVP option, I know who is able to make it – and, if I want to resend a reminder, or add a bit more about the gathering to our invite list, the process is simple.
I know that going forward, I will turn to Paperless Post to help me with all my invite needs. And. I’m even tempted to use it for sending digital greeting cards – as I am always behind in buying and sending cards to friends and family.
Head on over to Paperless Post and give it a try. You’ll see how easy it is to elevate your next gathering to a new level.