The house is silent
Not a word
Not a tease
Not a complaint
Not a “What are we doing to today?”
No one is calling my name
I am alone, and this is what I have been looking forward to for some time. It’s not that we didn’t have a fun summer, but I have been Camp Mom for the past 12 weeks, and I’m ready for a bit of R&R.
As it usually happens here, just as the kids get back to school, the Northern California ‘summer’ arrives. Today, it is in the 80s, and I have to keep my mind from wandering to thought of heading to the beach for a bit of downtime. After all, that is exactly what this Mom needs. But quickly snap back to reality and remember what I have been trying to do for the past 12 weeks – sit down at my desk and do a bit of writing.
The Transition
The kids were very excited to get back to school. We’ve made the transition to middle school for our oldest, and we are in our 7th straight year at the elementary school. We’re pretty well seasoned with the back to school ritual, but that doesn’t mean we need for focus in on the transition.
As the kids transition to a new year in school, new teacher, new lessons, I am transitioning to the new solitude at home, new drop-off and pick-up schedule, and new time-management tools for the kitchen.
Despite all my planning efforts, I still found myself doing a bit of scrambling this morning to get four school lunches made. And, I’m determined to have an afternoon snack ready to serve once they come home,but I have a few hours to think about that.
While I may not have planned the first day of school lunches as well as I had hoped,I did plan for the evening’s meal– because I know, that in the midst of the craziness of homework and after school activities, mealtime quickly creeps up on us.
Dinner time is a great time to slow down and to reconnect with the family – even if it is only one night a week. Family dinners have been linked to a lower risk of obesity, substance abuse, eating disorders, and an increased chance of graduating from high school.
New research shows that increasing the frequency of family dinners is of great benefit to adolescents. With each additional dinner, researchers found fewer emotional and behavioral problems.
Make a plan to sit down, decide on the menu, and insist that the entire family will be there for the meal. Just as you set up time for homework, sports and downtime, the ritual of the family meal is essential to the health of the family.
This evening dinner, as a celebration for the start of the new school year, it will be one of their favorite dinners – Parmigian0-crusted Rigatoni – followed up with a delicious dessert.
As you fill out your new schedule of fall activities, be sure to schedule in the family dinner – as many evenings as you can. Even if you have already started school, take the time to gather around the table to enjoy a meal – and a lively discussion. Make it a weekly tradition, and set the tone for the school year.
And, don’t forget the dessert!
Tonight, it will be Banana Cream Pie.