Family Eats

Family Eats Challenge: Teymoor

by Laura Everage

This is part of our yearlong Family Eats Challenge series. Throughout the year, we’ll take a journey with four families as they strive to change their relationship with the food they eat.

Janet and Jim, our first Family Eats Challenge family, have completed their Challenge and have definitely found success. Thanks to Chef Miki of Melissa’s, they were able to expand their repertoire of meals they prepare, and have become inspired to try new foods and flavor combinations.

This week we start a new challenge with Teymoor, a single male, living in San Francisco, who finds himself more comfortable in restaurants then his own kitchen . Helping Teymoor with the Challenge is Chef Ross Rosenzweig, the Culinary Coach for Berkeley-based VittlesInc. In the coming weeks, we’ll hear from both Chef Ross and Teymoor on how they’re progressing with their challenge. This week, we’ll learn a bit about Teymoor and what he would like to accomplish during the challenge, as well as a bit about Chef Ross, who will re-introduce Teymoor to his food, his markets and his kitchen.

A Bit About Teymoor:

  • Age: Mid 30s
  • Home: Lives alone

 Family Eats: Food Adventurer? 

  • Yes. I’ll try odd food more than once especially from different restaurants because I know how different the quality/flavor can be.


FE: Biggest challenges when it comes to food?

  • Too busy to cook at home
  • I wander around the grocery store, wondering what to buy
  • I have the desire to create foods that I enjoy in restaurants at home
  • I need to get back in the kitchen


FE: What would you like to accomplish during this Challenge?

  • Learn to cook vegetables in new ways,
  • Preparing meals for one (and dealing with leftovers) –
  • In search of ideas for lunch
  • Feel more comfortable shopping for food
  • Would like to change my diet – eat less bread (carbs), and more proteins, along with vegetables.

FE: More Goals after Meeting with Chef Ross.

  • Take my own Healthy and tasty snacks so that I can graze throughout the day!
  • Increased energy at the end of my long work day
  • Spend less money eating lunch out.
  • Lose around 25 pounds.


Chef Ross’ Notes from Meeting 1:

Teymoor and I met together in his home and I got a handle on his cooking resources and kitchen. Teymoor had a new range, microwave, nice knives, an ample refrigerator and, one of my favorite appliances… a steamer! Perfect.  We’ve got the necessities to make some real change and hit Teymoor’s goals.

The first hurdle is to stabilize Teymoor’s blood sugar level with his own snacks instead of getting so in insanely hungry that his body begins to shut down causing all sorts of issues. (Lack of energy, grabbing food on go, slower metabolism. )

Teymoor has an amazing palate and is open to try new flavors and textures. He is also ready, willing and able to put forth a little prep time in his already busy schedule. This way, he has within arms reach the fuel his body demands within the confines of his work.

This is the foundation necessary to successfully hit his goals.

Action Plan Week One: 

Let’s find, the foods that he can prep the night before or even early in the week that are fast, simple, portable, and can be eaten with his hands while he is working.

After Shopping together at some of Teymoor’s favorite local markets we found some wonderful ideas that will take minimal effort to prep and be on the road.

  1. Steamed Hard Boiled Eggs for breakfast on the go.
  2. Locally made granola that have superfoods and protein. They provide that  crunch for a truly satisfying snack or breakfast.
  3. Whole grain crackers instead of bread that will host meats, cheese, and  crunchy vegetables for lunch.
  4. Fresh ground peanut butter on rice crackers with a sliced apple. (His new  favorite!)
  5. Steamed crunchy vegetables for snacks.


Chef Ross Rosenzweig Bio: 

  • When Ross was a little boy his love for playing in the kitchen resulted in a fire that almost burnt his parent’s house down. Ever since that historic day he has been taming the fire in others’ kitchens and learning about the magic that happens when you play with your food.
  • For the past twenty years he has been a successful caterer, personal chef, and, most recently, chief culinary educator at BSC Culinary in San Francisco, CA. Whether he is picking organic heirloom peaches in the Central Valley of California, catching halibut off the coast in Alaska, or making educational videos at the Farmer’s Market, these explorations and exploits have taught Chef Ross the joys of simple whole food and the pleasure and charm of cooking for yourself and others.
  • He is currently the founder of Berkeley-based Vittles Inc., an exciting new venture devoted to helping the culinary challenged become more able and adventurous cooks. As head Culinary Coach, his zeal for the Bay Area’s edible bounty and mentoring skills inspire his students to play and connect with their food, experiment with new ingredients, and ultimately feel at home in their own kitchen.

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Four Pillars

About Laura

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