My escape from work and transition to cooking dinner, often requires a rest for my mind, a bit of body movement, some ‘me time.’
The 4 o’clock hour is usually the time I take a quick 30-minute walk. Not a heart-rate inducing hike, just an easy walk to get my mind ready for the next ‘event’ as we transition into the evening.

Dinnertime in my Neighborhood
My watch is set to record my body movement, earbuds are in place, and I begin to get into the zone as I head down the hill for my walk – I call it the end-of-the-road-and-back walk —- a two-mile head-clearing, mood-changing walk.
It’s a sensory-filled walk. I’m surrounded by Redwoods, Cypress and Bay trees. I occasionally come across an owl sitting in a tree near the road searching the landscape for something tasty. Mountain bikers pass by headed to the trails of Mt. Tamalpais, in-season I pick wild blackberries, and on occasion, I hear the sound of bagpipes wafting through the fog in the valley. It truly is a walk that serves as my time to think, relax and get in touch with my senses.
Every evening on my walk, I’m also welcomed by the aroma of the neighborhood kitchens. As the smell of cooking tumbles out onto the road I try to figure out what everyone is having for dinner, and often find inspiration for our table.
My mind begins to wander when the smell of garlic wafts under my nose . . . what are they cooking? Are they sauteing veggies for a stir fry? Making Garlic Bread Soup? Other times it’s the smell of curry, and I’m immediately warmed up inside and my mind begins to run through some delicious meals I could prepare.
It is amazing how what I smell coming from my neighborhood kitchens brings back memories and gets my mind thinking . . .
- Oh, maybe I should make so and so for dinner this week
- I need to do some recipe research to find options for curry
- Time to call Mom and ask her about that one recipe my walk reminded me of . . .
This simple outing in the neighborhood, which began as a way to transition from work to family life, has turned into a creative outlet for me.
Thank you to my Edgewood neighbors for the dinnertime inspiration.
1 thought on “Dinnertime in the Neighborhood”
Love this and love our neighborhood.