Family Eats

25 Truisms for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving 2023 w/ extended family!
Thanksgiving a decade, or so, ago.

Originally written in 2014, I took some time to review this decade-old post, and realize that these truisms  are, for the most part, still true today in 2024.  The original Thanksgiving post is below, with minor changes for this year, appearing in bold. Enjoy!

Things are pretty much normal these days – by that I mean the usual normal of feeding a family of six, driving kids to school (still doing this, but only for 2), play dates (their friends pick them up for time spent with friends) and after school classes (sports) – then finding time for myself, to spend with Greg, to clean the house . . .

So, as a result of my ‘normal’ I am just getting around to  planning for Thanksgiving. But I’m not frazzled yet. As it stands, it is three weeks (nine days) before the big day, and these are the things that I can count on:

1) We will be eating alone. This year’s celebration will be just our family of six. While we may be sad that we won’t be seeing the family, I can rest a bit easier since I won’t have the extra pressure of cooking for, and entertaining, others.

2) We will have turkey. You know, the free-range, heritage, or organic kind of turkey you typically cannot pick up on a whim the day before Thanksgiving. Problem is, I have yet to order it.

3) My feet and back will ache. As much as we have come to expect that overfull feeling and general drowsiness after we eat, those of us who prepare the meal can come to expect an aching body from standing, stooping and stumbling around the kitchen for hours on end. I am no exception. (Add in Greg’s recent knee replacement).

4) There will be no shortage of: Thanksgiving menu ideas delivered to my inbox in the coming week. No shortage of Tweets beckoning me with try a host of tasty side dishes. (Twitter, ie X, is no longer a fun and carefree platform to use) l No shortage of Black Friday deals offering me great prices for everything from electronics and toys, to clothes and Viagra (yes, I know you get those emails too!) (Replace Viagra with Skyrizi, Ozempic, Rinvoq, and the bent carrot pill, Xiaflex)

5) The stress will come and come and come . . .Although, my current state of Thanksgiving denial appears to be a good way of keeping the stress from overtaking me.

6) We will make four pies for six people: Pumpkin, Pecan, Apple and Mincemeat.

7) We will need to make at least one trip to the grocery store to pick up something we forgot on our list.

8) We will get over-zealous about menu planning. Let’s face it, we love to cook, and this is the day we will make the transition from the everyday ‘get the food on the table’ to a more professional-chef style attitude, in which we will pay attention to details, follow recipes religiously, and prepare enough food to feed an army. Which leads me to the next truism . . .

9) There will be leftovers. But isn’t that what we want? The fridge will be jam-packed with uneaten turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and more. The challenge will be to turn them into something that the kids will eat again, and again, and again for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Which leads me to my next truism .  .

10) The kids will quickly tire of my attempts to disguise leftovers as another meal.

11) There will be at least one melt down –not by my kids, but me.

12) I will bark “Get out of the kitchen!” no less than 25 times that day. (I will plead, Get in here and help!)

13) I will answer the “Is dinner ready?” question no less than 85 times that day.

14) I will hear “I don’t like this,” whined from at least 1 child. (No longer an issue, I’ll hear lots of, “Oh, this is delicious!)

15) The family will call to wish us “Happy Thanksgiving” just as we are sitting down to eat.

16) Something on the table will be cold (other than the milk).

17) I will forget to serve something.

18) At least on person at the table will be wearing pajamas. (And, if I don’t get into the shower before I head into the kitchen, it just might be me.)

19) I will drink before noon.

20) I will drink after noon.

21) Because Greg is aware of Truisms 20 & 21, the wine cabinet will be full.

22) The kids will say they are full, but will have room for dessert.

23) After dinner, Greg will lie down on the floor, moan about how much he ate, then promptly fall asleep.

24) Two minutes after I put the last dish away, someone will say they’re hungry. (But now, they can get their own food!)

25) We will be thankful for all that we have.

What are some of your Thanksgiving Truisms? Please share them with us below.

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Four Pillars

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